With interest rates increasing people look at cutting costs. Some of these interest increases are nasty and most of us are feeling it. We’re certainly not looking forward to our huge jump weekly. It’s stressful indeed.
Typically, when finances get tighter and life gets more stressful or pressured the first thing people drop is their healthy habits. It’s always the first off the list of priorities when it’s the thing that everyone regrets dropping and the thing that will help them through the hard times the most.
They drop the cost of their healthy habits (eg, weekly exercise classes and PT, healthy food and boundaries with the luxuries) and replace it will easily accessible stress outlets like heavily processed and sugar filled food, more alcohol, more caffeine and using these to give them a break from their worrying thoughts. Time passes and they wake up one day feeling terrible, overweight, new health issues have developed that they’ve been ignoring and they wish they hadn’t given up their healthy habits and replaced them with those that were easy to turn to but that caused so much harm.
We have seen this time and time again for well over a decade. People giving up on their weekly exercise routine and healthy habits because of finances, or stress levels or whatever else is going on for them. They fail to look at other areas like alcohol intake, cigarettes, meals out, spending on clothes and unnecessary items because all these things give them an instant feeling of satisfaction and that can be very addictive when feeling down.
We encourage you to think about what you’re prioritising and why… where will you be in 10 years if you continue to prioritise what you do? Perhaps a fantastic place, perhaps not so good.
Health is our most important asset. Remember that and choose your priorities wisely.