Keeping Exercise As Your Therapy
We say it all the time, exercise is essential in your life for a number of reasons and we encourage you to view it as a weekly practice that enhances all areas of your life. Being physically active is a choice and a choice that shouldn’t be taken lightly. It’s something you should commit to weekly for the rest of your life knowing that no matter what else fluctuates as the years pass by you will honour movement weekly because of the effect it has on your life.
Making a choice with nutrition is similar. If you decide you want to live a lifestyle that involves plenty of quality fuel for your body to run off then depending on where you’re at on your journey it’s pretty easy to make good choices 80-90% of the time. To get to this point, education is a must, and action must be taken daily. You can not miss the commitment to education. All of us have food habits from our upbringings. If those habits don’t serve you and how you want your life to be then you must take time to unravel all you know (and unconsciously do) and install new ‘software’, I.e education and habits.
Basically this all comes down to you committing to a new way of life. You have to NEED that new way of life in order for it to stick. Yes, you’ll have days and possibly weeks where things are out of your control but as time passes and your resilience grows you will hold strongly in place the discipline you deserve to hold certain standards for yourself when it comes to the way you live your life.
“Discipline is choosing between what you want now and what you want most” Abraham Lincoln.
Disipljne is only part of it but it’s a significant part. Self mastery is the ultimate goal.
How can you be the best version of you. What practices do you need to commit to daily? What support do you need weekly?
From my experience. When someone invests in their health by starting with exercise and never letting it go, self mastery is one step closer everyday and good choices for that person and their family become a common thing.
It can all start with exercise.