Mind 100%, Nutrition 70%, Exercise 30%
You forced and beat your body into becoming unhealthy and incapable of doing movements that it should be able to do. A few years ago you trained it to be what it is now. It listened and it adapted.
You forced it to adapt to living off caffeine, sugar, white carb and stress. It struggled, it gave you signs that it was being forced- headaches, illnesses, crook tummies, exhaustion, moodiness, weight gain, bad skin. You didn’t listen. You kept forcing and pushing it into an unhealthy, overweight state. Now, this is your norm. Your wonderful body adapted.
It adjusted for you because that’s what you asked it to do.
DONT expect your mind and body to take to clean healthy food and exercise if you have forced it to live as above. Just like when you first forced your body into unhealthy ways you will again need to force your body to change and crave a the goodness of healthy food and exercise.
You WILL need to continue feeding your body beautiful healthy food even when every cell within you is craving its ‘drug’ (bad food) you WILL need you push through exercise every day to reach that uncomfortable point where you know it would be easier to give up. You forced your body into an unhealthy life style, you have to force your body out of one and it takes a hell of a lot more than just motivation. The main thing you need is enough love and respect for YOURSELF to do whatever it takes to change. Support, accountability, love, praise. Whatever you need to not back down and to not fall victim to yourself.
So, when you’re almost in tears because it’s so damn hard and the results aren’t showing and your muscles hurt and you feel like just giving in..
You forced yourself into what you have now. It is up to you to force your way out.
Your body WILL adapt.
And trust me, all your body wants from you is love and respect so it will adapt as fast as it can. Give it a chance to catch up with what you want. Make sure it trusts you and knows this is it! Change WILL happen.
Keep going and set yourself up to not back down.
You’ve got this.
Mind 100%, Nutrition 70%, Exercise 30%
Contact us for a free no obligation chat! leonee@revitupfitness.co.nz