Why gaining an ideal bikini body will make you unhappy!
Revitup Fitness is a private personal training studio in Bishopdale, Christchurch. Here we cover private PT, nutrition, life coaching and so much more! We are known for being an all round ‘health’ business suited for individuals who don’t like the gym scene. Situated in a central very popular area in Christchurch we cater to many.
Our post today is about gaining that ideal bikini body and WHY getting it won’t make you any happier. I’m going to generalize here as maybe for some people gaining a perfect body has changed their lives dramatically and they have finally become happy…..I doubt it though and here’s why.
The ideal body in your head is OFTEN not what will happen to your body when it’s in a perfect healthy state. We all have flaws and we all have loads of beauties! The image in your head that will apparently gain you so much happiness has been created over time by the media and those around you that have been custom made by the media. So that means, those ladies and men that model for a living and spend hours in the gym everyday, live on stupidly low calories, get professional make-up and tans done on a weekly basis and maybe get photo-shopped to remove those so called flaws that we ALL have is generally NOT how us ‘non models’ or general Joes live. For your typical New Zealand woman – we work hard, we play hard and nails, tans and all that other stuff is often something we do on a special occasion.
Here’s the other thing, MOST people love food! It is a luxury and one that should be enjoyed, the days are gone where we would have to hunt or grow our food now we can indulge in a My Kitchen Rules ‘like’ divine platters and enjoy all the beautiful sensations and the wonderful bonding times that happen over enjoying food.
People are so torn and it can be exhausting! They love food, they love to enjoy relaxing times, yet they want that bikini body so bad because they feel that will solve so many things in their lives. They would feel more worthy, more loved, more excepted, more popular…..
We at Revitup Fitness Christchurch have the answer for you. And it doesn’t involve stupid diets, depriving yourself, saying no to things you want to do and locking yourself away from anything that could be ‘bad’ for you. It all starts and ends with self respect. Loving yourself enough to exercise and nurture your body on a regular basis. Ditching the feelings of guilt and sabotage with accepting and appreciating who you are. Aiming for an unrealistic body shape is never going to bring happiness. Aiming for YOUR personal, HEALTHY ideal body shape absolutely is going to serve you.
SO, here’s how you STOP this never ending bikini body battle.
1) You aim for HEALTHY. You don’t base your results off those damn scales! You base your results on how you feel, how much energy you have, how much happier you are, how much more concentration you have. This means doing exercise you love, eating healthy food you love that fills you with goodness! (with the odd healthy or naughty treat if you want).
2) Eliminate all the ‘so called’ perfect body images that have been planted in your head. Kim K, Jessica Alba – they are not YOU, they don’t have the beautiful things that you hold that are unique to YOU. Let me use myself for an example. I used to hate that my legs are big and my upper body has always been little. I wished for skinny legs and bigger boobs! I would try to train (run loads) to make my legs skinnier. It never happened as genetically my legs will always be bigger. Now, at 28 years old, 2 kids later, I love my bigger legs. I love that I don’t have big boobs. I have changed the things I used to dislike about myself and made them into positives SIMPLY by not looking at someone else’s body and comparing myself. And it’s not that I’m overly confident it’s simply that I’ve woken up and realised that I will never look like anyone else because I am ME, AND, that if I continue trying to change who I really am then I will become a very unhappy bitter person. Embrace yourself! You hold so much goodness that is unique to you.
3) Surround yourself in happy, empowering people who build you up and only want the best for you. Slowly move away from the people who you feel drag you down. This goes with the old saying that couldn’t be further from the truth ‘treat others how you want to be treated’. TRULY do this! And watch the amazing people that will walk into your life.
4) Education is my last point here. Educate yourself on food. Understand that cutting food groups out of your diet will only cause problems. Learn to love veggies, learn to train hard and focus on whatever it is that you want to train in. Respect yourself and get that bikini on as you truly are beautiful as you are.
Leonee x
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