How to look good in a bikini fast
The good old ‘quick summers almost here problem’ right?
I don’t think the real question is how to look good in a bikini fast.
I think it’s actually – how do I like myself in a bikini fast?
You’re constantly trying to change your body. It’s never good enough right?
You’re striving for this false perfection, lean bikini girls are flaunted in front of your eyes constantly in magazines and on TV. That’s how you ‘should’ look right? That’s what attractive is. You’ll get attention from the guys and the girls will want to look like you, THAT’S what you will aim for this summer.
You know what you have to do. Eat less, cut out carbs and fat, feel that hunger as that means you’re stomach is shrinking, spend a couple of hours at the gym everyday, use your will power to say NO to the creamy doughnuts at work even though you could quite easily demolish the box.
The self talk is nasty and harsh. You hate the way you look. You wish you were born with the discipline of your best friend, she ‘has it’ and she flaunts it. You never feel good enough but this summer you WILL, you will not eat like a pig and sit on your ass picking out all the things that are wrong with you. You will instead…..PUNISH yourself with a diet you know will change you…..
You will punish with food and shakes that don’t at all satisfy you, you will punish yourself by starving, you will punish yourself with long boring workouts at the gym, you will cover up your body in shame with those baggy clothes, you will punish yourself by feeling miserable and telling yourself how useless you are everyday and how you could have done better. This punishment will continue until that bikini is on and you ARE what ‘society’ accepts as beautiful.
I know you………………….. and I want you to know something……This punishment that you think is just temporary isn’t…..This punishment is life long and it only gets worse. This punishment eventually stops you from living your life. It’s not about the bikini any more….Now you can’t even go near the beach, you say no to social occasions you live at home and work with no in betweens. Your life becomes controlled by the demon inside that has wrapped jail bars around your body.
This ‘image’ that you want to change yourself to ruins your life.
YOU need to know that this is not your fault, this is not how YOU should be living and there IS a way out.
You need to know that you are unique and beautiful just the way you are. When you are your true self and you are confident being YOU, you radiate the MOST beauty. When you are trying to be someone you’re not you don’t radiate anything. In fact, you radiate sadness and no one wants to be around sadness, no ones attracted to sadness. No one respects someone trying to be someone else.
How is punishing yourself going to result in a great body and most of all how does that make you happy?
Your body is your body. It is beautiful and unique and it is your only home. It has done incredible things for you, it continues to live when you beat and abuse it with diets and crap foods, it continues to support you when you tell it how much you hate it. It suffers through this abuse and gets sicker and sicker but still continues to be there for you as much as it can.
How is this life? How is this living?
I want you to know that you CAN love your body as it is right now. You CAN break down the jail bars you have created around you and you CAN celebrate and be truly, deeply happy being YOU.
You simply need to crush the false, air brushed, society bullshit that is planted in front of you and understand that it’s NOT that ‘look’ that will make you attractive and accepted, it’s you being the REAL you. Standing up for what you believe in, doing what makes YOU happy, treating yourself with love and respect, flaunting your beauty NOW not when you think it’s socially acceptable.
You are beautiful NOW and if you continue thinking you’re not, you will continue the slow death that you have created for yourself.
I can help you.
Contact me personally at –