Best exercise for fat loss
Here’s a list starting with the most important…
1) Do what you love the MOST! Dancing, swimming, sports, walking. Do this as much as you can. Why? Because you’re far more likely to stick to what you love than to stick to what you think you ‘have’ to do and end up disliking.
This alone is not always enough however, so…..
2) Make sure you high intensity IT UP for accelerated results. 20 minute sprints are going to burn fat A LOT more effectively that an hour long walk. Push your self outside of you comfort zone every time you train. Train like an athlete.
3) Resistance training is essential. Squats, pushups, deadlifts, prone holds. Start with these with no to minimal weight and build up to more weight. The more muscle your body holds the more effective it is at burning fat and keeping fat off. Seriously ladies, lifting weights is essential not just for fat loss, for life! Get over what you think you know about this.
4) Something for your mind to release the stress that will make it impossible to lose fat if you don’t have a stress reliever in place. Walking, running, yoga, pilates, or even just reading a book.
Push hard with your training 5 days a week and allow 1 or 2 days of RnR.
Go to it!
If you want a free 20 minute phone consultation to help you work out a plan to implement the above contact us! We will book you in for later next week and get you rolling!
Leonee x