You’re busting your ass! Training hard, eating well, keeping focused. SURE you’re not 100% perfect but no one really is right? 90% of the time you are on the ball. You should be getting better results but they just aren’t coming!
You’ve spent a sh*t load of money on trying to reach your weight loss goals. AND yes, you have tried many things in the past! Diets, weight watchers, gruelling endless training. So what the hell is up? Is there something wrong with your insides? Should you book yourself into a naturopath and get some tests run? You know there’s something not right. You eat plenty of veggies and protein, you train regularly throughout the weeks, you do everything your PT tells you – with the odd exception of half a chocolate slice occasionally at the café! You’re only human.
There’s something you’re doing that is absolutely sabotaging everything you’re training towards.
Something you’re not even aware you’re doing!
What me to get to the chase?
It’s your constant picking at food! You may say ohhh no, no, no I don’t pick. I BET you do and you just don’t realise.
I don’t even realise I do it and I’m a nutritionist and a PT! I should be totally aware right?
For all you mum’s and women who work with food I guarantee this is your killer! I have a pre-schooler and a 9 month old. Both big boys who eat very regularly and seem to be CONSTANTLY demanding food. I took notice of my habits today.
Morning: breakfast – Scrambled eggs and steak for my boys. I (of course) ate some of the eggs as they were really hot. As I was rushing around frantically blowing and testing the temp at the same time in my own month of course some was digested! NEXT, boys finish breakfast and there’s scraps lying around I shove the scraps in my month before clearing the dishes and even realising what I had done! SO, I have my own breakfast plus an extra two helpings most mornings!
This was enough for me to realise what has been going on….
This happens ALL THE TIME through out the day with out me even taking notice. The same goes if you work with food. You end up quickly shoving the scraps down your throat and having a wee taste without even realising!
What does this mean for you weight loss goals? A big fat NOTHING! Sure you will still be losing small amounts of weight maybe BUT you’re actually not giving your body a chance AT ALL to burn fat. You have heard before eat regularly throughout the day right? I’m a big believer in this – keep that metabolism roaring. ‘Picking’ is not eating regularly! Your constantly throwing food at your metabolism so it literally gets no chance at all to use your fat stores for fuel in-between meals.
What’s the best way to tackle this you say? Chew gum and always have a green tea to sip away on. The green tea (unlike the gum) will be giving you a huge amount of health benefits as well so TRY IT! More importantly become aware that you have this habit! Tackle it now!
Test yourself! Write down how often you actually pick away at food tomorrow. You will be very surprised and you may now be able to combat the ONE thing that is stopping those results in their tracks!
Good luck!
Revitup Fitness